Rudens Matos Matos (Chiquitín)

Electroacoustic guitar and singer

Changüí is the same of Chiqutín

He started his artistic career in Melodias del Ayer in 1988. He was born in Baracoa and he never studied professionally music. Otherwise he admits that his family was his school.

With the trio Los Galenos he went to Mexico and when he came back, he started his career with Septeto Santiaguero. “I feel very happy for all the awards we received and above all for the audience acceptance, wherever we perform"

He is the author of almost ten themes performed by Septeto Santiaguero: La Jelenguera, del CD La Chismosa, el Moño de Maribel, El ayudante del lechero, Los recuerdos del ayer, Guantánamo si tiene Changüí, etc..

When you mention Changüí, you refer to Chiquitin.

Always.I was born in Guantanamo and grew up in Baracoa when we don’t have electricity yet. My father was autodidact musician and my mom sings Mexican songs. My daughters also have disposition to music, they ply maracas and piano without going to school.

I spend my free time listening to news. To relax, “I don’t rest so much but I prefer peace and spend my time alone”.

I love vibrant colors, I like combining them a lot.

He was born on 26th January 1966

He arrived to Santiago in 1976

With many influences of Changui, el Bongó, el guayo metálico, la marímbula.

I feel very satisfied with my results. There are still a lot of things to do with Septeto Santiaguero, I would like to take composition again. I like funny songs that the audience enjoys and laughs.

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